Sunday, October 24, 2010

I've Got a Crush...

…on Jose Villa’s photography. He’s rated as one of the Top 10 Wedding photographers in the world! So in that case he must be good, right? He just so happens to be my total inspiration. His photos never fail to make my heart smile, and my mind boggle. Here’s a link to his blog {}. I hope you enjoy him as much as I do

…on White Bark. There’s just something about the rare case of white bark on a tree that makes my mind reel. Shooting in one of these forests would complete me. Unfortunately, these trees are only prominent in the mountains of California {a place that is thousands of miles from where I live}. Fortunately, airplanes were invented. 

…on FLAGS. Brooke Fraser’s new album, Flags, has sent me into a world of whimsical lyrics, and fantastic beats for the past week and a half. This album is the essence of Autumn wrapped up in 11 songs. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. It is so choice. 

{BTDubbs. I didn’t take any of these pictures in this post.}

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

sihouettes: \ˌsi-lə-ˈwets\

Silhouettes. A whimsical trick that dark and light like to play on our eyes. Any figure—when the light hits it just right—can adopt a black outline. I just so happen to love sihouettes. So here are a few pictures that I took when dark and light were tricking my lens. Enjoy. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dresses & Curls

Shiny dresses and high heels. Fresh manicures and tight, bouncy curls. It’s that time of year again for the ever-so-traditional Homecoming Dance. Tonight, Simone retired her signature pair Converse and slipped on a pair of Steve Maddens. Tonight is her Sophomore Homecoming Dance and there was no way she was gonna miss this. When it comes to my sister, if she even hears the word dance, she’s there. So this post includes the pictures of seeing her off. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Amps & Strings

On October 5th, I accompanied my dad to a Drum Clinic he was doing at the Guitar Center. A Clinic is when an endorsee plays their company’s latest version of an instrument to raise it’s cliental. The Clinic also features a tutorial and a one-on-one experience with the artist. In this case, my dad was doing a Drum Clinic on Yamaha’s newest electronic drum kit. All the while, I was having a field day with my camera in the Vintage Guitar room. This room held Fenders from the ’50s and Gibsons from the ’70s. Needless to say, I went insane! I’ve been to Guitar Center too many times in my life, but I never knew how many photo opportunities it had! So this post features my favorite aspects of Guitar Center’s guitar room. Enjoy.