Saturday, September 25, 2010


I thought I’d take this post, and dedicate it to just a few of my favourite things & people. Enjoy.

{Tea. Hot or Iced. If you give me tea, I’ll love you forever.}

{Hali & Mariah. My best friends. We speak in movie quotes, inside jokes, and scandals.}

{Milk & Cookies. There’s no greater food combination, than ice cold milk & warm, chewy cookies.}

{Road Trips. The longer, the better.}

{These 3. Mumsy, Daddio, & Simone. There is no way I could get through this thing called life without them.}

{Birthday Parties. Invite me & I’m there. I give good gifts. And who doesn’t like cake & ice cream?}

{The Smith’s. Although their last name is common, they are not. I love them. A lot. :)}
{Sprite. Not Sierra Mist. Sprite.}

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