Monday, August 16, 2010

Living Next to a Studio

In most family homes, everyone has their own part of the house that they use as their “get-away”. Some moms may claim the kitchen and some dads may claim the La-Z-Boy in the living room. In my house, my dad placed claim on his personal studio, which happens to be strategically placed next door to my room. Equipped with you-name-it, we-got-it instruments and microphones, the studio is the place where my dad “drops beats or lays tracks” (dad lingo). If you don’t know already, my dad is Marvin McQuitty Jr, a profound drummer in the music industry. With that explanation, an in-home studio has always been part of my existence. In my house it is completely normal to hear the clash and clang of a drum kit or trip over a Yamaha box in the hallway. Personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t imagine living in a house without it. Below, I’ve posted black & white pictures of my favorite parts of the studio. Enjoy!

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