Monday, August 30, 2010

Deeper Conference

This past week I’ve been serving and basking in the presence of God at the Deeper Conference. The word you receive is incredible and the new level you reach with God is indescribable. Hosted by Israel & Meleasa Houghton, the conference is a place where worship leaders can gather and get one-on-one training from the best of the best. It's a place where they can get the proper tools to improve their worship experiences at their churches, and soak up the glory of God. I’ve have been looking forward to the conference every year for the past 4 years. The experience you have while you’re there gets better each year, and leaves a lasting impression on you to last a lifetime. Below are a few of my favorite moments that I got the privilege of capturing. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


This is THE funniest picture I’ve ever seen/taken in my entire existence. 

This is THE funniest pictures I have ever seen/taken in my entire existence. 

Monday, August 16, 2010


"Staying at the McQuitty house is like a full on concert every night." 
-Mariah Houghton

Living Next to a Studio

In most family homes, everyone has their own part of the house that they use as their “get-away”. Some moms may claim the kitchen and some dads may claim the La-Z-Boy in the living room. In my house, my dad placed claim on his personal studio, which happens to be strategically placed next door to my room. Equipped with you-name-it, we-got-it instruments and microphones, the studio is the place where my dad “drops beats or lays tracks” (dad lingo). If you don’t know already, my dad is Marvin McQuitty Jr, a profound drummer in the music industry. With that explanation, an in-home studio has always been part of my existence. In my house it is completely normal to hear the clash and clang of a drum kit or trip over a Yamaha box in the hallway. Personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t imagine living in a house without it. Below, I’ve posted black & white pictures of my favorite parts of the studio. Enjoy!

Right as Rain

One thing you should know about me is that I absolutely love the rain! The pitter-patter of the raindrops on my roof just reassures me that everything will be alright. The puddles that form on the roads create an element of surprise when you splash through them in your car. And the rainbow that appears after every rain shower is like a pleasant reminder that God’s promise he mentioned in Genesis 9 still holds true. I’m always intrigued by how people deal with the rain. Whether it’s with an umbrella, a hoodie, or just by disregarding it and walking right through it; each person prepares accordingly. In this post I showed off my two favorite photography techniques: night shots and light, on a rainy day. Enjoy.

Friday, August 6, 2010


"The sound of rain on my window gently lulls me to sleep." -Hali Dozier

Express Yourself!

Happy, sad, angry, exhilarated, confused, shocked, ecstatic — and the list goes on. These emotions are just a few of thousands that you can use to express how you feel. Since your emotion is shown through your expression, it’s the only way you can tell how you feel in a photograph. Expression: to convey a thought or feeling in words or gestures and conduct. I’d have to say the I agree with Mr. Webster. It’s also known that 90% of communication is shown through your body language; meaning that you can tell how somebody is feeling simply by the expression on their face. Ultimately, expressions are essential to a picture. So below are some of my favorite expressions that I’ve had the privilege of capturing on camera. Enjoy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Petals & Tealights

On behalf of my second mother, Meleasa Houghton, and per her request, this post is dedicated and inspired by her fantastic table setting skills. Whenever you are having company in your home, or just want to add extra flair to an empty table, a vase of flowers and an arrangement of candles will do the trick. These simple decorations can bring life to a space that is craving attention. The lighting of the candles can bring another focus of light and illumination which can instantly enhance a picture. Candle light can highlight objects in a way that florescent light can’t. Below are pictures of the table settings created by my second mother herself. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always July." -L.M. Montgomery

Sweltering Saturday

Today isn’t Thursday, but I just couldn’t wait that long to share this post. On July 31, I did a photoshoot with my friends Hali & Mariah and my sister Simone at Discovery Green in Downtown Houston. The heat couldn’t have been any hotter, and the air any more humid. But, since we’re professionals, the show must go on. The artistic monuments on display provided inspiration and an even better background for a photograph. So below is the result of our professionalism and the appreciation of the art. Enjoy!